Intersections of Language, Voice + Image: Navridis’ Visual Interpretations of Beckett.

Intersections of Language, Voice + Image: Navridis’ Visual Interpretations of Beckett.

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2016), ‘Intersections of Language, Voice and Image: Nikos Navridis’ Visual Interpretations of Samuel Beckett. A Deleuzian Approach’, Else, Issue 1, January 2016.

Nikos Navridis’ visual approach to the work of Samuel Beckett is the point of departure for an alternative reading of the work of the playwright, highlighting the dialogue between his theatrical language and visual arts. Said dialogue begins with Beckett’s distancing from representation and linear narration, towards an increased fragmentation of language and visual abstraction. In “The Exhausted”, Deleuze follows the evolution of language, meta-language and silence in Beckett. The elements in Beckett’s work that go beyond words, such as voice and breath highlight the corporeal dimension of the text. Nikos Navridis builds on these elements, in order to transform Beckett’s work into visual art.

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