Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2019), ‘Viral Gender Performances’, in: Cornelia Sollfrank (ed.), The Beautiful Warriors, Technofeminist Praxis in the 21st Century, New York: Autonomedia, pp.89-109.
This chapter focuses on feminist performances in the digital space. The analysis introduces three different concepts that relate to feminist performance online: the expanded space as an online/offline continuum, virality, the exponential sharing of ideas, and noise, as a media strategy to interfere with someone’s messages. These performances are not only a call for equality, but also an exploration of a different perception of space, not as a delimited field between the digital and the physical, but as a continuum where the digital and physical coexist and interact with each other. The examples mentioned here are generated within the general backdrop of conflict and protest, showing new ways of political expression within the connected space and beyond.