Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2015), ‘Artistic ventures into the world of big data: Work, communication and politics of a minoritarian force’, Workshop ‘Making “World Machines”: Discourse, Design and Global Technologies for Greater-than-self Issues’, Conference ‘Critical Alternatives Aarhus 2015’, Aarhus University.
The use of information technologies in almost every aspect of work and communication has resulted in a vast amount of data that is constantly being stored and analysed. This paper investigates the dynamics surrounding the use of big data for the creation of capital and for the common good. Through the presentation of specific art projects that express work, communication and politics within the Information age, it seeks to juxtapose the majoritarian system of capitalist production with minoritarian force of networks that are focused on the benefit of people. These alternative visions experiment with the idea of the world machines and seek paths to bring them into existence.