Selection of Texts

Spells and Specula: Some Technofeminist Strategies to Decolonise the Body

Grammatikopoulou, C. (2024), “Spells and Specula: Some Technofeminist Strategies to Decolonise the Body”, Ferra, I., Ferra, F., Patelis, K. and Karatzogianni, A. (Ed.) Future Feminisms (Digital Activism and Society: Politics, Economy And Culture In…

Προς μια Φεμινιστική Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη: Τεχνο-Μύθοι, Πραγματικότητα και Εναλλακτικά Μέλλοντα

Γραμματικοπούλου Χ. (2023). Προς μια Φεμινιστική Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη: Τεχνο-Μύθοι, Πραγματικότητα και Εναλλακτικά Μέλλοντα. EIRINI/Μελέτες Νέων Ερευνητ(ρι)ών για το Φύλο, 3(1), 15–27. Μπορεί να υπάρξει…

Defacing Patriarchy at the Framework of a Greek Feminist Collectivity: The Artivism of StORGI [Care/RAGE] By Oestrogones – C. Grammatikopoulou and F. Tsibiridou

Grammatikopoulou, Christina, and Tsibiridou, Fotini. “Defacing Patriarchy at the Framework of a Greek Feminist Collectivity: The Artivism of StORGI [Care/RAGE] By Oestrogones.” In Cosmosemióticas de…

Envisioning a Feminist Artificial Intelligence

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2022), “Envisioning a Feminist Artificial Intelligence”, in: Freddy Paul Grunert (ed.), HumaniTies and Artificial Intelligence, European Union: Noema, This chapter envisions a…

Επιτελεστικός ακτιβισμός και αισθητική της φεμινιστικής αντίστασης

Γραμματικοπούλου, Χριστίνα (2022), ‘Επιτελεστικός ακτιβισμός και αισθητική της φεμινιστικής αντίστασης’, στο: Ελπίδα Καραμπά, Ίρις Λυκουριώτη (επιμ.), Φεμινιστικές θεωρίες, Αισθητικές Πρακτικές και Παγκοσμιοποιημένες Τεχνολογίες, Βόλος: Εκδόσεις…

Viral Gender Performances

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2019), ‘Viral Gender Performances’, in: Cornelia Sollfrank (ed.), The Beautiful Warriors, Technofeminist Praxis in the 21st Century, New York: Autonomedia, pp.89-109. This chapter…

Virale Gender-Performance

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2018), ‘Virale Gender-Performance’, in: Cornelia Sollfrank (ed.), Die Schönen Kriegerinnen, Technofeministische Praxis im 21. Jahrhundert, Wien: Transversal Texts, pp.131-166. Feminismus ist in den…

Critical Cartography Of Art And Visuality In The Global Age, The Territories of the Contemporary

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2018); Pinilla, Rafael (eds.), Critical Cartography Of Art And Visuality In The Global Age, The Territories of the Contemporary, Cambridge Scholars Publishing This…

Athens Report: Documenting the Debt Crisis in the Era of Post-Truth

Grammatikopoulou, Christina ‘Athens Report: Documenting the debt crisis in the era of post-truth’, Jan. 2017 <> The text focuses on Anna Lascari’s “The Athens Report”,…

“The rebel woman”: Τhe early years of Greek Feminism

Grammatikopoulou, Christina, ‘”The rebel woman”: Τhe early years of Greek Feminism’ Interartive, v.83, April 2016 <> The text goes back to the first steps of…

Breathing Art: Art as an Encompassing and Participatory Experience

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2016), ‘New media, new perceptions: Art as an encompassing and participatory experience’, in: Chiel van den Akker; Susan Lêgene (eds.), Museums in a…

Intersections of Language, Voice + Image: Navridis’ Visual Interpretations of Beckett.

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2016), ‘Intersections of Language, Voice and Image: Nikos Navridis’ Visual Interpretations of Samuel Beckett. A Deleuzian Approach’, Else, Issue 1, January 2016. Nikos…

Artistic Ventures into the World of Big Data: Work, Communication and Politics of a Minoritarian Force

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2015), ‘Artistic ventures into the world of big data: Work, communication and politics of a minoritarian force’, Workshop ‘Making “World Machines”: Discourse, Design…

Ουτοπία και Ρεαλισμός στη Συμμετοχική Τέχνη της Ψηφιακής Εποχής

Γραμματικοπούλου, Χριστίνα (2015), ‘Ουτοπία και ρεαλισμός στη συμμετοχική τέχνη της ψηφιακής εποχής’, στο Urban Conflicts, Θεσσαλονίκη: Εργαστήριο “συναντήσεις και συγκρούσεις στην πόλη”, pp.203-214. Η συμμετοχή…

Editorial: The Sky Over the City. Culture and Urban Space

Grammatikopoulou, Christina, ‘Editorial: The Sky Over the City. Culture and Urban Space’, Culture and Urban Space, Interartive Special Issue, v.65, August 2014 <> The special…

“The wilderness in the machine”: Glitch and the poetics of error

Grammatikopoulou, Christina ‘“The wilderness in the machine”: Glitch and the poetics of error’, Interartive, v.59, January 2014 <> A glitch is a rupture in information…

A technologically enhanced and artistically generated experience of the corporeal

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2013) ‘Decoding the body: Towards a technologically enhanced and artistically generated experience of the corporeal’, Re-New Digital Arts Festival, Copenhagen, Conference Proceedings, pp.62-67….

Encounters on the Borders of the Immaterial: Body, Technology and Visual Culture. Art and Breath

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2013), Encounters on the Borders of the Immaterial: Body, Technology and Visual Culture. Art and Breath (1970-2012), (Doctoral Thesis), Barcelona: University of Barcelona….

The poetry of the immaterial: Edith Kollath’s aerial imagination

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2013), ‘The poetry of the immaterial: Edith Kollath’s aerial imagination’, in: Edith Kollath, Manoeuvre of Plenty, Works by Edith Kollath, Berlin: Distanz, pp.6-12….

From the deep web to the city streets: Hacking, politics and visual culture

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2013), ‘From the deep web to the city streets: Hacking, politics and visual culture’, Quaderns-e, ICA, Vol.19 (1), pp. 202-219. The political protests…

Hacking: A New Political and Cultural Practice

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2013), ‘Hacking: A New Political and Cultural Practice’, Aceti, Lanfranco; Rinehart, Richard (eds.), Not Here Not There, Leonardo Electronic Almanac, Vol.19, 1:62-74. Hacking…

Holy Pop! The making of Icons in Contemporary Culture

Grammatikopoulou, Christina, ‘Holy Pop! The making of Icons in Contemporary Culture’, Interartive, v.33, June 2011 <> The text focuses on religious elements in pop culture,…

From Artist to Myth: The reception of Sophia Laskaridou

Grammatikopoulou, Christina, ‘From Artist to Myth: The reception of Sophia Laskaridou’, Interartive, v.19, March 2010 (Part A) and Interartive, v.20 (Part B) <> Sofia Laskaridou…

Ciber-Respiración: Encuentros de Cuerpo y Tecnología

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2010), ‘Ciber-Respiración: Encuentros de Cuerpo y Tecnología’, in: Lourdes Cirlot, (Ed.), Universos y Metaversos: Aplicaciones Artísticas de los Nuevos Medios, Barcelona: Arte,…

Stepping Towards the Immaterial: Digital Technology Revolutionizing Art

Grammatikopoulou, Christina (2010), ‘Stepping towards the immaterial: Digital technology revolutionizing art’, in Agnes Aljas, (ed.), Transforming Culture in the Digital Age, Tartu: Estonian National…

Canvas in a (film) frame: The role of painting in Jarmusch’s Limits of Control and Godard’s Pierrot le Fou

Grammatikopoulou, Christina, ‘Canvas in a (film) frame: The role of painting in Jim Jarmusch’s Limits of Control and Jean Luc Godard’s Pierrot le Fou’, Interartive…

A leading role for the audience: Kim Gordon’s sonic challenges and visual reflections

Grammatikopoulou, Christina, ‘A leading role for the audience: Kim Gordon’s sonic challenges and visual reflections’, Interartive, v.7, February 2009 <> As we examine the visual…

A junction of myth, history, cinema: Aeschylus’ Oresteia in Angelopoulos’ Thiassos

Grammatikopoulou, Christina, ‘A junction of myth, history, cinema: Aeschylus’ Oresteia in Angelopoulos’ Thiassos’, Interartive, v.1, June 2008 <> (translations in English, Spanish, Greek) In Travelling…

Η Ζωγράφος Σοφία Λασκαρίδου

Γραμματικοπούλου, Χριστίνα (2007), Η ζωγράφος Σοφία Λασκαρίδου (1876-1965), (μεταπτυχιακή εργασία), Θεσσαλονίκη: Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης Η μεταπτυχιακή αυτή εργασία είναι μια πρωτότυπη έρευνα που αποκάλυψε το…